[VIDEO] How To Make SPAGHETTI with TOMATO SAUCE Like an Italian Nonna | Recipe N°57

How To Make SPAGHETTI with TOMATO SAUCE Like an Italian Nonna:
"Spaghetti with tomato sauce is one of the most soul-warming, traditional Italian dishes. It is beloved around the world for its warm, inviting flavors and aromas. But no matter how good you think your recipe is, I promise it’s no match for my Nonna’s! Her generation truly perfected pastasciutta. Today, we will be cooking a simplistic yet exquisite spaghetti and tomato sauce dish that will blow you away. This recipe is perfect for vegetarians, and by removing cheese, it can even be enjoyed by vegans. Get ready to have your lives changed and start wowing your dinner guests". Video by Vincenzo's Plate


• Spaghetti preferably homemade • Tomato sauce preferably homemade • 1/4 Whole onion • 1/2 Whole carrot • 1 Stick celery • Fresh basil as much as you like • Extra Virgin Olive Oil as much as required • Salt as much as required • Parmesan cheese as much as you like

Vincenzo's Plate - SYDNEY, AUS Take a fun Italian, add a selection of fresh ingredients, a cup of humor, a splash of love and realize that your life cannot go on without more from Vincenzo's plate! Vincenzo's Plate is more than just cooking, it's about traditions, rich ingredients and learning that you don't need to go to an expensive restaurant to eat an authentic Italian dish.

[VIDEO] How To Make SPAGHETTI with TOMATO SAUCE Like an Italian Nonna:

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